Mothercell – World’s Biggest Dental Stem Cell Bank

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MAR 2020


Mothercell – World’s Biggest Dental Stem Cell Bank

By: admin | Dental Stem Cells

Enroll with Mothercell

Initiate the process of Dental stem cell banking by enrolling with Mothercell. Before you enroll, our team will ensure that you have understood everything related to the concept, benefits, process, and pricing of stem cell banking. Choose the payment plan that is convenient for you and we will set you up for the next step. A unique and exclusive IBN(International Barcode Number) is generated for every child.

OPG Evaluation & Screening

Dental OPG is a full mouth X-Ray which provides an insight into the eruption stages of the permanent teeth and exfoliation stage of the milk teeth. It is an important tool in identifying the ideal tooth for stem cell banking. Determination of the ideal tooth for stem cell banking is a critical step in the entire process. We have a panel of specialists who go through the Dental OPG, decide the ideal tooth, and the ideal time for tooth collection. We shall then coordinate this with you to fix up an appointment for tooth collection, which is convenient for you and the doctor.

Tooth Collection & transportation

All the tooth collections are done in completely sterile conditions in state-of-the-art dental clinics by highly skilled and qualified specialists On the day of tooth collection, we personally oversee the entire process in the dental clinic. Our team members will be present to ensure that every protocol is followed to give a painless and pleasant tooth collection experience to your child. Transportation is another critical and quality dictating step in the entire procedure. Mothercell’s logistics team is highly capable of transporting a sample from any part on the globe without compromising the quality of the sample. This is achieved by our proprietary transportation kit which maintains the viability of the sample by regulating the temperature between 2-8 degrees centigrade for 48-72 hours. This gives us ample time to transport the sample from the dental clinic to our processing room.

Preservation Certificate & Report

Once the sample is successfully preserved, a report of all the tests performed on the sample and a preservation certificate is issued which will be delivered to you in person by one of our Mothercell Team members. If the sample is rejected for cryo-preservation at the laboratory because of any of the reasons, then one more tooth sample will be collected as per the OPG evaluation without any additional finance charges and we will inform the same to the customer in writing.